Refrigerated Chillers Air Cooled
Ambient air must be at least 15°F (9°C) cooler than the lowest desired coolant temperature. Desired coolant temperatures must usually be above 110°F (44°C).
A digital temperature controller cycles a fan moving air across a fin coil heat exchanger to provide close temperature control of recirculating fluids.All models are supplied with cleanable aluminum air intake filters.
NRCA- Closed Loop Chillers
Closed-Loop coolers recirculate coolant from a tank mounted in the cooler, through a sealed coolant loop and heat load (spindle) and back to the tank. The tank, pump, and evaporator are all in the cooler.
NRCA-Open Loop Chillers
Open-Loop coolers recirculate fluid from a remote tank, through the cooler and back to the tank. The cooler works to maintain a constant fluid temperature in the tank. The pump and evaporator are in the cooler. The tank is remote.
Chilled water must be at least 10°F (6°C) colder than the lowest desired coolant temperature and have adequate flow and pressure for the application. Consult Turmoil for requirements.
Options & Accessories
CTC: Digital Temperature Controller. Provides close temperature control (±0.5°F). Displays bot set-point and coolant temperature.
ATC: Ambient Tracking Controller. A dual input digital temperature controller allows the coolant temperature to track ambient temperature at a constant, adjustable differential. Displays both ambient and coolant temperature.
OP: Optional Pumps. A variety of pumps are available to meet almost any flow and pressure requirement for both water and oil-based coolants.
LF: Low Flow Interlock. Prevents damage to machine on loss of flow.
HT: Temperature Fault Interlock. Indicates coolant temperature is out of range.
LL: Low Level Interlock. Indicates coolant level is low.
FSM: Flow Meter/Switch. Adjusts coolant flow to optimum setting.
ILH: In-Line Heater. Warms up coolant to optimum operating termperature.
ILF: In-Line Filter. Insures clean coolant.
PS: Pure System. Coolant only comes in contact with stainless steel or plastic.
RC: Rubber Casters. Available on all models for complete mobility.
PG: Pressure Gauge. Available for Discharge and/or Input.
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